Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Description Profertil
The information in the FAQ section was created by the team and is based on the official manufacturer's manual
Profertil ist ein Vitaminkomplex, der zur Unterstützung der Fruchtbarkeit bei Frauen und Männern angezeigt ist. Es ist eine komplexe Formel, die speziell für diejenigen entwickelt wurde, die sich ein Kind wünschen, mit dem Ziel, die Fruchtbarkeit zu verbessern. Das Präparat ist in zwei Versionen erhältlich - Profertil für Frauen und Profertil für Männer.
Wozu ist Profertil gut?
Profertil ist ein Nahrungsergänzungsmittel, das speziell zur Unterstützung der Fruchtbarkeit bei Männern und Frauen entwickelt wurde. Dank der spezifischen Zusammensetzung können diese Nahrungsergänzungsmittel die Chancen auf eine Schwangerschaft erhöhen. Profertil female geht auf die besonderen Ernährungsbedürfnisse von Frauen mit polyzystischem Ovarialsyndrom ein, die schwanger werden wollen. Die Wirksamkeit des Produkts wird durch mehrere klinische Studien belegt.
Wie wirkt Profertil female?
Profertil female erhöht die Chancen einer Frau, schwanger zu werden, reguliert den Menstruationszyklus, bereitet den Körper der Frau auf eine mögliche Schwangerschaft vor, unterstützt die Eireifung und den Eisprung, verbessert die Befruchtungsrate, kann die Qualität der Eizellen unterstützen und erhöht die Fähigkeit einer befruchteten Eizelle, sich einzunisten.
Wie wirkt Profertil male?
Profertil male kann die Spermienqualität verbessern - Beweglichkeit, Volumen, Dichte der Spermienflüssigkeit, schützt die DNA-Fragmentierung der Spermien, unterstützt die embryonale Entwicklung.
Wie wird Profertil verabreicht?
Profertil für Männer ist in Kapselform und Profertil für Frauen als Softgels + Tabletten zur gemeinsamen Einnahme erhältlich. Profertil für Frauen wird in einer Dosis von 1 Softgel zusammen mit 1 Tablette pro Tag eingenommen. Das Produkt wird nach oder während der Mahlzeiten eingenommen. Profertil für Männer wird in einer Dosis von 2 Kapseln pro Tag verabreicht. In der Regel wird empfohlen, die Einnahme bis zum Eintritt einer Schwangerschaft fortzusetzen.
Welche Nebenwirkungen kann Profertil haben?
In klinischen Studien mit Profertil wurden keine Nebenwirkungen berichtet.
Gibt es Kontraindikationen für Profertil?
Während der Hersteller keine Kontraindikationen für Profertil an sich angibt, ist zu bedenken, dass Menschen mit Leber- oder Niereninsuffizienz ohne ärztlichen Rat keine Medikamente oder Nahrungsergänzungsmittel einnehmen sollten.
Was ist in Profertil enthalten?
Profertil female - eine Weichkapsel enthält 500 mg Omega-3-Fettsäuren, eine Tablette enthält 800 mcg Folsäure, 70 mcg Selen, 30 mcg Coenzym Q10, 30 mcg Vitamin E, 4 mg Catechine aus Grüntee-Extrakt und 12 mg Glycyrrhizinsäure aus Süßholzwurzel-Extrakt.
Profertil Men - 2 Kapseln enthalten L-Carnitin 440 mg, L-Arginin 250 mg, Coenzym Q10 15 mg, Vitamin E 120 mg, Zink 40 mg, Folsäure 800 mcg, Glutathion 80 mg, Selen 60 mcg.
Wie lange dauert die Einnahme von Profertil?
Profertil wird über einen Zeitraum von mindestens 3 Monaten eingenommen. Die Einnahme beginnt ab dem Zeitpunkt, an dem Sie feststellen, dass Sie schwanger werden wollen, bis die gewünschte Schwangerschaft eintritt.
Category | Vitamins and Supplements, Vitamins and Minerals, Vitamins for women, Vitamins for men, Urinary System, Prostate Treatment, Women's health, Fertility, Sex life, Sexual tonics, For Men, For Women |
Brand | Lenus Pharma |
Product type | Capsule |
Profertil for men, 180 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Excellent delivery. Good product and especially good price.
Profertil for men, 180 capsules, Lenus Pharma
all ok super product great price, fast shipping
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
It's a product that works, but you have to be patient.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I use Profertil on the advice of my doctor, and I'm delighted with the results.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
After several months, the results are in.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
My doctor recommended Profertil, and I've been using it for two months now.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
It's an excellent supplement for those who want to improve their fertility.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Encouraging results
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I was looking for a natural solution to improve my fertility, and Profertil was a very good option. After taking it for several months, my wife and I were finally able to conceive. I would recommend this product to anyone who has difficulty conceiving.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
very good and effective medicine
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Mild effects after a few weeks
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I think you have to be patient to see the full results. Profertil is easy to take, and I'm confident about the future.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Visible results after just a few months
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I will continue the treatment to see the final results.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Since I've been using Profertil, my cycle is much more regular and I feel less tired.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I have tried Profertil Female together with a change in diet and am delighted with the results. My overall well-being has improved
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Arrived intact and very soon delivery prescisa product sent and received in perfect condition
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Very good supplement for fertility
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
It's an excellent product for supporting fertility naturally.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
My doctor recommended this product, and I'm very pleased with the results.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I can only recommend Profertil Female to women with PCOS
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I have struggled with PCOS for years and have tried many products. Profertil Female has helped me the most. My hormones are more balanced and I have less hair loss
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Impressive results after just a few months
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I think it's great that Profertil Female consists of natural ingredients
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
After two months of use, I've noticed positive changes in my cycle and my energy.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
my sperm analysis results are much better. My doctor has noted an increase in mobility and quality.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
It is important to follow the cure over a long period of time to obtain satisfactory results.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I've been taking Profertil for a few months now, and I feel much better. My cycle is more regular, and I feel an overall improvement in my well-being. It's a high-quality supplement that I recommend to all women who want to optimize their fertility.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
It worked for me but I took it for about 2 months.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I was very pleased to receive it quickly.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
We were very skeptical about this product... but we wanted to try it because what have we got to lose? I recommend!
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I had a relatively bad spermiogram and my urologist recommended PROfertil capsules. After about 6 months I had a new spermiogram and ALL values improved significantly.
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Very good!
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Since taking Profertil Female, I have had a regular cycle and feel more balanced overall. I am very optimistic that I will be able to get pregnant soon
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I took Profertil Female when I was trying to conceive and am now pregnant. I am so grateful for this product!
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I appreciate that Profertil Female has been specially developed for women with PCOS and contains the right combination of nutrients
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
no miracles will happen overnight, ProFertil treatment should be taken for about 6 months.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I tolerated Profertil Female well and did not notice any side effects
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I tried Profertil Female on the recommendation of my gynecologist and am very satisfied. It is a good addition to my treatment
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I can really recommend the product. 5 stars from me.
Profertil for women, 56 capsules, Lenus Pharma
I've been taking Profertil Female for a while, but I haven't noticed any big changes yet. Maybe I need more time to feel the effect
Profertil for men, 60 capsules, Lenus Pharma
It's easy to take in the morning after breakfast - with no side effects.
Profertil for men, 180 capsules, Lenus Pharma
Original product, delivered on time and at a very good price. Thank you Liki24