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Glycerine boraxate

Description Glycerine boraxate

The information in the FAQ section was created by the team and is based on the official manufacturer's manual

Glycerinboraxat kann auf Empfehlung des Arztes bei Erkrankungen wie Gingivitis, oraler Candidose, Stomatitis und bei Mundgeschwüren verwendet werden. Seine Zusammensetzung umfasst in der Regel 10% Borax und Glycerin.

Borax Glycerin beeinflusst die Fahrtüchtigkeit?

Nein, dieses Produkt hat keinen Einfluss auf die Fahrtüchtigkeit.

Was ist Glycerin Boraxat mit Nystatin?

Diese Art von Glycerin wirkt antiseptisch, antimikrobiell und antibiotisch bei der Behandlung von Soor und oralen Mykosen. Es enthält in der Regel Glycerin, 10 % Borax und 1,5 % Nystatin. Es wird äußerlich angewendet, indem man etwa 4 - 5 Mal am Tag einen Verband anlegt.

Was ist Glycerin-Borax mit Propolis?

Dieses Produkt wird bei Soor, Stomatitis, Glossitis oder Gingivitis empfohlen. Es wird bei lokalen Beschwerden vor den Mahlzeiten für mindestens eine halbe Stunde angewendet. Es wirkt entzündungshemmend, antiseptisch und beruhigend.

Glycerinboraxat oder Aftifix?

Beide Produkte sind für Mundgeschwüre, Stomatitis und entzündliche Zahnfleischerkrankungen geeignet. Aftifix ist ein Mundgel, das Hyaluronsäure, Aloe-Extrakt, Salbei-Extrakt, Nalba-Extrakt und ätherisches Rosmarinöl enthält. Es bildet einen Film auf der Mundschleimhaut, beschleunigt den natürlichen Heilungsprozess von Mundläsionen, lindert Entzündungen und befeuchtet gebildete Krusten.

Glycerinboraxat oder Anaftin?

Beide, Glycerinboraxat für Mundgeschwüre und Anaftin, helfen bei Mundgeschwüren, aphthösen Geschwüren, Mundhöhlenverletzungen. Anaftin enthält jedoch Hyaluronsäure, Aloe vera, Rizinusöl und Polyvinylpyrrolidon. Diese bilden einen Schutzfilm und lindern die Beschwerden.

Borax Glycerin oder AftiBlock?

Beide schützen wunde und gereizte Stellen und lindern den Schmerz. Sie können bei Mundgeschwüren oder Krebsgeschwüren verwendet werden. AftiBlock enthält Propylenglykol, Panthenol, Hydroxyethylcellulose und andere Inhaltsstoffe.


Category Vitamins and Supplements, Dermatology, Beauty and Care, Oral diseases, Antiseptics , Mother and Child, Cleaning and Washing, Cleaning disinfectants
Brand Adya Green Pharma, Biogalenica, Galenica, Infopharm, Onedia, Tis Farmaceutic, Vitalia
Product type Solution


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Average rating 4.9 based on 23 reviews

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

As a smoker, I often struggle with inflammation of the oral mucosa. Boraxed glycerine relieves the symptoms quickly and effectively

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Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

I am allergic and often react to other mouthwashes. I tolerate boraxed glycerine very well and it helps me to keep my mouth clean and healthy

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Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

I have tried many remedies for mouth ulcers, but Boraxed Glycerin is the only one that has really helped. It is easy to use and works quickly

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Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

Boraxed glycerine has helped me very well with my mouth ulcers. The pain quickly subsided and the sores healed more quickly. I am very satisfied

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Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

I have tried many remedies for mouth ulcers, but Boraxed Glycerin is the only one that has really helped. It is easy to use and works quickly

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Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

I have had boraxed glycerine in the house for years. It is a tried and tested remedy for minor injuries in the oral cavity

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Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia

I am allergic and often react to other mouthwashes. I tolerate boraxed glycerine very well and it helps me to keep my mouth clean and healthy

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Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


I have tried many remedies for mouth ulcers, but Boraxed Glycerin is the only one that has really helped. It is easy to use and works quickly

Glycerin Boraxate with Nystatin 1.5% 20g ONEDIA


Ottimmo,veloce,giusto. Thank you racommend everyone to use Liki.24

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


Boraxed glycerine has helped me very well with my mouth ulcers. The pain quickly subsided and the sores healed more quickly. I am very satisfied

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


The borax glycerin helped me with one of my mouth ulcers, but not all of them. It may be more effective for certain types of ulcers

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


As a smoker, I often struggle with inflammation of the oral mucosa. Boraxed glycerine relieves the symptoms quickly and effectively

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


I am allergic and often react to other mouthwashes. I tolerate boraxed glycerine very well and it helps me to keep my mouth clean and healthy

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


I have tried many remedies for mouth ulcers, but Boraxed Glycerin is the only one that has really helped. It is easy to use and works quickly

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


I have had boraxed glycerine in the house for years. It is a tried and tested remedy for minor injuries in the oral cavity

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


I am allergic and often react to other mouthwashes. I tolerate boraxed glycerine very well and it helps me to keep my mouth clean and healthy

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


Boraxed glycerine has helped me very well with my mouth ulcers. The pain quickly subsided and the sores healed more quickly. I am very satisfied

Borax Glycerin 10%, 25 g, Vitalia


As a smoker, I often struggle with inflammation of the oral mucosa. Boraxed glycerine relieves the symptoms quickly and effectively

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