Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 2 x 30 capsules, Sanofi
Instruction Essentiale
The information in the FAQ section was created by the team and is based on the official manufacturer's manual
Essential ist ein Arzneimittel, das zur Linderung von Symptomen wie Appetitlosigkeit und Schweregefühl im rechten Oberbauch angezeigt ist. Ursachen können eine Schädigung der Leber durch bestimmte körperschädigende Stoffe, eine toxisch-natürliche Schädigung der Leber und eine chronische Leberentzündung (Hepatitis) sein. Dieses Arzneimittel ist rezeptfrei erhältlich und für Erwachsene, Jugendliche und Kinder über 12 Jahren geeignet.
Essentials ist in den folgenden Darreichungsformen erhältlich:
- Essentiale Forte, Kapseln 300 mg
- Essentiale Max, Kapseln 600 mg
Der Hauptwirkstoff in Essentiale sind essentielle Phospholipide, die aus Sojabohnen gewonnen werden und 76% Phosphatidylcholin enthalten. Phospholipide spielen eine wesentliche Rolle im menschlichen Körper, da sie Strukturelemente von Membranen sind und als Regulatoren von Austauschfunktionen zwischen intra- und extrazellulären Kompartimenten und bei der Aktivierung von Enzymsystemen auf Membranebene fungieren.
Indikationen für die Verwendung
Essential wird verschrieben bei akuter und chronischer Hepatitis, Leberzirrhose, Intoxikationen, Leberverfettung, unabhängig von der Ätiologie, Cholestase, Prophylaxe von Rückfällen der biliären Lithiasis, Bestrahlungssyndrom, prä- und postoperative Therapie, insbesondere in der hepatobiliären Chirurgie.
Dosierung und Art der Anwendung
Die empfohlene Dosis von Essentiale Forte bei Kindern über 12 Jahren (ca. 43 kg), Jugendlichen und Erwachsenen beträgt 3-mal täglich 2 Kapseln (1800 mg Sojabohnenphospholipid), bei Essentiale Max beträgt die empfohlene Dosis 3-mal täglich 1 Kapsel.
Wie wird Essentiale eingenommen: Die Kapseln von Essentiale Forte für die Leber oder Essentiale Max werden zu einer Mahlzeit mit einer ausreichenden Menge Flüssigkeit (vorzugsweise mit einem Glas Wasser, 200 ml) eingenommen.
Wie lange sollte Essentiale eingenommen werden: Die Dauer der Behandlung mit Essentiale Forte oder Max beträgt mindestens 1-3 Monate.
Personen, die auf Sojazubereitungen, Erdnüsse oder einen der anderen Bestandteile dieses Arzneimittels allergisch sind, sollten sich keiner Behandlung mit Essentiale unterziehen. Bei chronischer Hepatitis (chronische Leberentzündung) ist eine begleitende Behandlung mit essentiellen Phospholipiden aus Sojabohnen nur dann gerechtfertigt, wenn während der Behandlung eine Linderung der Symptome beobachtet wird.
Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln und Lebensmitteln
Es ist möglich, dass Essentiale mit blutgerinnungshemmenden Mitteln in Wechselwirkung treten kann. Daher sollten Sie Ihren Arzt informieren, wenn Sie eine Behandlung mit blutgerinnungshemmenden Medikamenten durchführen, da es notwendig sein kann, die Dosis des Gerinnungshemmers anzupassen. Nicht in Kombination mit Alkohol einnehmen.
Nebenwirkungen, die die Behandlung mit Essentiale hervorrufen kann, treten nicht bei allen Menschen auf. Selten können Nebenwirkungen wie Magenbeschwerden, loser Stuhl und Durchfall auftreten. In seltenen Fällen können auch allergische Reaktionen auftreten. Wenn solche Nebenwirkungen auftreten, insbesondere allergische (Überempfindlichkeit) Reaktionen, stoppen Sie die Einnahme von Essentiale und kontaktieren Sie Ihren Arzt.
Wie bei allen Arzneimitteln können bei einer Überdosierung unerwünschte Wirkungen auftreten. Nehmen Sie nur so viel ein, wie Ihr Arzt empfiehlt und in der angegebenen Dosis.
Lagern Sie das Arzneimittel vor Hitze und Feuchtigkeit geschützt.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Beeinflusst Essentiale die Fahrtüchtigkeit?
Nein, dieses Produkt hat keinen Einfluss auf die Fahrtüchtigkeit.
Fortifikat Forte oder Essentiale Forte?
Die Wirkstoffe in Essentiale Forte oder Fortifikat werden als essentielle Phospholipide bezeichnet. Fortifikat Forte enthält im Vergleich zu Essentiale Forte eine höhere Konzentration an essentiellen Phospholipiden - 825 mg.
Essentiale Forte oder Liv 52?
Diese beiden Arzneimittel sind zur Unterstützung der Leberfunktion angezeigt. Anders als Essentiale Forte enthält Liv 52 natürliche Extrakte wie Cichorium intybus, Casia occidentalis, Tamarix gallica und andere. Diese Inhaltsstoffe haben eine schützende Wirkung auf die Leber und die Galle.
Kann Essentiale während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit eingenommen werden?
Aufgrund unzureichender klinischer Studiendaten ist es ratsam, Essentiale nicht während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit zu verwenden.
Essentiale Forte vs Essentiale Max?
Der Unterschied zwischen diesen beiden Arzneimitteln liegt in der Wirkstoffdosis. Essentiale Forte enthält 300 mg essentielle Phospholipide, während Essentiale Max 600 mg enthält. Die empfohlene Tagesdosis ist bei beiden Arzneimitteln gleich, d.h. 1800 mg.
Wie wirkt das Phosphatidylcholin in Essentiale?
Essentielle Phospholipide sind Phospholipide, die essentielle Fettsäuren enthalten. Sie werden in die geschädigten Zellmembranen der Hepatozyten eingebaut und tragen zur Regeneration der Leber bei, indem sie die Stoffwechselaktivität erhöhen und die Regeneration der Leberzellen anregen. Das wichtigste Phospholipid für eine normale Leberfunktion ist Phosphatidylcholin, das 40 % der gesamten Phospholipide ausmacht, die die Zellmembranen bilden. Essentielle Phospholipide mit einer hohen Konzentration an Phosphatidylcholin haben eine positive Wirkung bei der Behandlung von Lebererkrankungen verschiedener Ätiologien - toxische Lebererkrankungen, Lebersteatose, Adjuvans bei viraler Hepatitis.
Category | Over-the-Counter medicines (OTC), Liver and Biliary Diseases, Hepatic protectors, Vitamins and Supplements, Hepato-Biliary System Health, Hepatoprotective, Promotions, Top selling products, 1+1 offers, Products of the month |
Brand | Sanofi |
Product type | Capsule |
ATC code 1 | A05BA |
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Just as we use sunscreen in summer, we should also use Essentiale forte.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
This is correct and important for the liver. Unfortunately shipping is not fast to Germany ca.10-12days. Gladly again
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Everything ok, gladly again Thank you
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Highly recommended
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Suffering from chronic liver disease, I've tried many products. Essenciale Forte has helped me the most to improve my liver function and relieve my symptoms. I'm very satisfied with it.
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Highly recommended
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Great products for my needs, delivery not so good,send back once because of not competent courier, however all apposto, thank you
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I haven't found a similar analogue, these capsules are excellent for liver function.
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
It's nice to have a remedy that helps solve a health problem so quickly.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I liked the result
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
This medication was recommended to me by my doctor and I haven't found anything better yet.
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I wish I had found this product earlier
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
High-quality product
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I use it from time to time as a preventive measure.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
The product is good, it takes a while to use but the result is very good.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
My skin looks fresher and more radiant since I've been taking Essentiale Forte. I think this is due to the healthier liver.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
As someone who drinks alcohol regularly, I am concerned about my liver health. Essentiale Forte gives me peace of mind as it protects and regenerates my liver. I will continue to take it.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I think the price-performance ratio of Essentiale Forte is very good. It is a little more expensive than other products, but the effect justifies the price.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I took Essentiale Forte after a long period of unhealthy eating and I notice a clear difference. My general well-being has improved and the feeling of pressure in my upper abdomen has disappeared. I can only recommend this product.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
As someone with chronic liver disease, I have tried many products. Essentiale Forte has helped me the most to improve my liver values and alleviate my symptoms. I am very satisfied
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I've been taking Essentiale Forte for a while, but haven't noticed any significant changes. Perhaps I need a longer period of use to see an effect.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I started taking Essentiale Forte after a fatty liver diagnosis. In combination with a healthy diet and regular exercise, I have made good progress. My liver values have normalized and I feel fitter overall
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I would like the carriers to contact us and inform us of the date of early delivery.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Quality product
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I have been taking Essentiale Forte for a while, but I have not noticed any significant changes. Maybe I need a longer period of use to see an effect
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
I travel a lot for work and am exposed to many harmful substances. Essentiale Forte makes me feel good because it protects my liver.
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Simply great
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
Since I have been taking Essentiale Forte, my liver values have improved significantly. My doctor is very happy with the results.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Highly recommended, liver problems disappeared fairly quickly
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Hello, I have taken medication for my mother. corresponds to the doctor's prescription. I recommend
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Your liver will thank you
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
I feel less tired and have more energy since taking Essentiale Forte. I am more productive in everyday life.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
The discomfort I had in my right upper abdomen has decreased significantly since I have been taking Essentiale Forte regularly.
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Capsules a little unpleasant, but the effect makes up for it.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I took Essentiale Forte during an antibiotic treatment to relieve my liver. I had no side effects and feel good
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
Very good and helps with liver diseases, even my family doctor had made eyes like my liver values have improved, but should be taken over a longer period of time, about half to 1 year.
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Top. Very practical
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
Good value for money. This is the third time I've bought it. You can buy and not be afraid, everything is fine.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
I had a lot of small stones in my yellow bile and Essentiale took the stones out. I had an ultrasound before and after and my doctor was amazed:)))
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
My digestion has improved since I started taking Essentiale Forte. I no longer have any problems with bloating or flatulence.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I appreciate the natural composition of Essentiale Forte. It is a good addition to my treatment and helps me to protect my liver
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
The taste of the capsules is neutral and does not interfere with swallowing. I like to take them during a meal.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Excellent -- arrived on time as usual.... Great seller, great product.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I have been taking Essentiale Forte for a while, but I can't see any significant changes. Perhaps I need a longer period of use.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
Very pleased.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I have taken Essentiale Forte in combination with a change of diet and am very satisfied with the results. My liver value has improved significantly.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
This is a good remedy I would continue to use it and I would use it again
Essentiale MAX 600 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I use this medicine for my liver.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
it was recommended by many pharmacists for liver detoxification
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I have been suffering from chronic hepatitis for years and have tried many medications. Essentiale Forte is the only one that has really helped me. My liver values have improved significantly.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
As an athlete, I take great care of my health. Essentiale Forte is an important part of my diet as it protects my liver from the stress of intensive training sessions.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I can only say good things and also a difference in my cellulite, which is much less after a month of taking it 👍.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I found Essentiale Forte in the pharmacy without any problems. It's readily available and I don't have to order it separately.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Simply excellent
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
We received the podcast in good time.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
I've been taking Essentiale Forte for a while, but I haven't noticed any major changes yet. Perhaps I still need a little patience to feel the full effect.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
I've only been taking it for two months, so far I tolerate them well. I'll see you at the labs.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
I took Essentiale Forte after a long period of excessive alcohol consumption to support my liver. I felt much better after a short time and the discomfort in my upper abdomen subsided. I can only recommend the product
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I use it with pleasure, it cleanses the liver.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I was prescribed Essentiale Forte after an inflammation of the liver. It has helped me to recover very quickly. The capsules are easy to swallow and I have not noticed any side effects.
Essentiale Forte, 300 mg, 100 capsules, Sanofi
My mother's liver values have improved drastically
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
good for liver and energy
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
A great help for those with fatty liver.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
are vegetable ingredient is auction imi place cel never mult.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
For those dealing with liver problems.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
He recommends calduros.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I received my order on time.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I have known the product for years, but have only been taking it for a week. After I finish it I can say more
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Great product and good price
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
Chiar Forte!!
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
It has a long term effect, but so does diet.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
Super quality podus ! The best
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
It's just the first package, I reserve better judgment in some time.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Worth the price.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Good purifying supplement!
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I highly recommend taking it to protect liver health
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
Good supplement for good liver function.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 30 capsules, Sanofi
I'm so glad I found it here. Thank you.
Essentiale Forte 300 mg, 50 capsules, Sanofi
Fast delivery, excellent price!