Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Apetit Block
Description Apetit Block
The information in the FAQ section was created by the Liki24.de team and is based on the official manufacturer's manual
Apetit Block ist ein Arzneimittel, das hilft, den Appetit und die Kalorienaufnahme zu kontrollieren. Es wirkt als Appetitzügler und hilft, das Körpergewicht zu kontrollieren.
Formen der Freisetzung
Apetit Block gibt es in folgenden Formen:
- Apetit Block, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
- Apetit Block Kapseln
Apetit Block enthält Sinetrol Xpur, Guarana, Süßorangenextrakt, Süßorangenkonzentrat, Flavone und Koffein.
Hinweise zur Anwendung
Apetit Block mit Sinetrol wird zur Gewichtskontrolle verschrieben oder empfohlen. Personen, die unter Übergewicht oder Fettleibigkeit leiden, können von diesem Medikament profitieren, um übermäßige Hungergefühle zu reduzieren und die Kalorienaufnahme zu begrenzen. Es wird häufig als Teil eines Gesamtplans zur Gewichtsabnahme empfohlen, der auch Ernährungsumstellungen und ein Trainingsprogramm umfassen kann. Apetit Block wirkt als Appetitzügler, das heißt, es hilft, das ständige Verlangen zu essen zu reduzieren und den Appetit zu kontrollieren. Dieses Medikament kann auch eingesetzt werden, um Patienten dabei zu helfen, ihre langfristigen Gesundheitsziele zu erreichen, insbesondere wenn die Gefahr besteht, dass sie zu ungesunden Essgewohnheiten zurückkehren.
Dosierung und Art der Anwendung
Es wird empfohlen, 2-mal täglich 10 Tropfen Apetit Block, verdünnt in 200 ml Wasser, 30 Minuten vor den Hauptmahlzeiten einzunehmen. Apetit Block Kapseln werden 3-mal täglich mit 1 Kapsel eingenommen. Überschreiten Sie nicht die empfohlene Tagesdosis.
Es gibt einige Kontraindikationen für Apetit Block. Es ist kontraindiziert im Falle einer Allergie oder Überempfindlichkeit gegen einen der Bestandteile des Medikaments. Außerdem ist die Einnahme von Apetit Block während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit kontraindiziert. Während dieser Zeit macht der Körper bedeutende Veränderungen durch, und die Sicherheit des Medikaments für den Fötus oder das Neugeborene ist nicht vollständig bekannt. Es wird nicht empfohlen bei schweren Leber- oder Nierenproblemen. Apetit Block ist nicht für Kinder und Jugendliche unter 18 Jahren bestimmt.
Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Arzneimitteln und Lebensmitteln
Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Apetit Block mit anderen Arzneimitteln, die Sie einnehmen, in Wechselwirkung treten kann. Informieren Sie Ihren Arzt über alle Medikamente, die Sie einnehmen.
Bei der Einnahme von Apetit Block können seltene Nebenwirkungen auftreten, wie Schlaflosigkeit, Nervosität, leichte Magen-Darm-Beschwerden oder Herzklopfen. Wenn Sie eines dieser Symptome oder andere ungewöhnliche Reaktionen bemerken, sollten Sie einen Arzt aufsuchen.
Bitte halten Sie sich an die von Ihrem Arzt empfohlene Dosierung und nehmen Sie nicht mehr als empfohlen ein.
Lagern Sie das Produkt an einem trockenen und kühlen Ort, fern von Feuchtigkeit.
Häufig gestellte Fragen
Apetitblock beeinträchtigt die Fahrtüchtigkeit?
Im Allgemeinen hat dieses Produkt keinen Einfluss auf die Fahrtüchtigkeit. Manchmal kann Apetit Block jedoch bei einigen Patienten Schläfrigkeit oder Schwindel hervorrufen. Wenn diese Symptome bei Ihnen auftreten, sollten Sie nicht Auto fahren oder Maschinen bedienen.
Kann ich Apetit Block während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit einnehmen?
Apetit Block sollte während der Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit nicht eingenommen werden, da nicht genügend Daten vorliegen, um seine Sicherheit während dieser Zeiträume zu bestimmen.
Ist Alkohol während der Behandlung mit Apetit Block erlaubt?
Es wird empfohlen, während der Einnahme von Apetit Block keinen Alkohol zu trinken, da es zu Wechselwirkungen mit dem Arzneimittel kommen kann und Nebenwirkungen auftreten können.
Apetit Block oder Obecon?
Diese beiden Produkte sind angezeigt, um ein normales Körpergewicht zu halten. Obecon enthält Garcinia cambogia-Extrakt, Commiphora mukul, Trigonella foenum-graecum und Extrakte aus schwarzem Pfeffer. Sie sollten nur nach ärztlicher Anweisung eingenommen werden.
Apetitblock oder Silfide?
Beide Produkte sind zur Appetitminderung und zur Förderung der Gewichtsabnahme geeignet. Beachten Sie jedoch, dass das Produkt zur Gewichtsabnahme, egal für welches Sie sich entscheiden, zusätzlich zu einer gesunden, kalorienreduzierten Ernährung und in Kombination mit körperlicher Aktivität eingenommen werden sollte. Silfide enthält Garcinia cambogia-Extrakt. Außerdem enthält es grünen Tee, Guarana, Artischocke, Zimt und Ananas.
Wie viel Gewichtsverlust mit Apetit Block?
Die Wirksamkeit der Behandlung hängt von mehreren Faktoren ab, darunter die Dauer der Einnahme, der Body-Mass-Index und der allgemeine Gesundheitszustand. Es ist wichtig, dass diese Behandlung zur Gewichtsabnahme in Verbindung mit einer gesunden Lebensweise, einschließlich einer kalorienreduzierten Ernährung und Bewegung, angewendet wird. Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt, um herauszufinden, welches Präparat zur Gewichtsabnahme für Sie am besten geeignet ist, abhängig von Ihrem allgemeinen Gesundheitszustand und anderen Faktoren.
Category | Vitamins and Supplements, Diet and Nutrition, Weight loss, Promotions, Top selling products, Weight Control, 1+1 offers |
Brand | Empire Expert Pharma |
Product type | Capsule, Drops, Sets |
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I took the drops and they had no effect!
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
It works, but you have to be very regular and not expect miracles.
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
Good product, but I have not yet achieved the desired results. Maybe it takes a little time.
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
I love this product!
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Excellent product! It does exactly what it promises. I'm much less hungry during the day and eat less effortlessly.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I've lost a few kilos since I started using it, along with a balanced diet.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
First of all thank you so much for packing everything so well, the order arrived exactly in 7 days , without any hassle straight to the mailbox 🧡 I'm testing Apetit Block drops for the first time tonight, I hope it will work because it's the ultimate solution to manage to reduce appetite due to hormonal fluctuations 😢 Once again thank you that you exist and that we from outside Romania have the possibility to order from you, hugs from a distance 🤗
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
After trying other similar products without success, this one works well for me.
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
A great weight-loss supplement!
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
I'm pleasantly surprised!
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I find that this product does its job well. Since I've been using it, I eat less between meals and feel fuller. The capsule format is convenient, and I haven't had any side effects. I recommend it.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
A practical and effective product to reduce cravings between meals.
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
This product was a real turning point for me. I'd been struggling to lose weight, but with Apetit Block, I've finally succeeded.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I am very happy with this product. It helps reduce appetite without making you feel deprived.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
The Apetit Block really helped me to manage my portions better and avoid overeating. As a complement to a diet, it has been very useful. I no longer feel that constant hunger and I've already lost a few kilos. Very satisfied!
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Very satisfied with this product. It satisfies appetite without making you feel tired or irritable. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a helping hand to manage their diet better.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I took Apetit Block during a diet and was able to achieve my goals more quickly. The capsules are easy to swallow and have no unpleasant taste
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
Effective product to help lose weight. I've noticed that my cravings for sweets have decreased since I started using it.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I've noticed that this product works well to reduce appetite, but you have to be regular.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
I have been taking Apetit Block regularly but haven't noticed any big changes yet. Perhaps I need a little more time.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
The effect is subtle, but there is definitely a reduction in appetite. I thought it would work faster, but after a few days, I've noticed I'm snacking a lot less. It takes a little time, but it's effective in the long term.
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
I'm delighted to have discovered Apetit Block. I lost 5 kilos in one month without feeling frustrated.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Apetit Block Sinetrol is easy to integrate into my daily routine. I feel I have more control over my portions. It's a good ally for a slimming program.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I recommend... It is useful...
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
The product is OK, but I was expecting a more powerful effect. I've seen a small reduction in my appetite, but it's not as strong as I'd hoped. However, it's natural and hasn't caused any digestive discomfort.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
I have tried Apetit Block and I am delighted! My appetite has been significantly reduced and I feel lighter. The natural composition gives me a good feeling.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
I am delighted with the rapid effect of Apetit Block. After just a few days I noticed that my appetite had decreased. I am confident that I will achieve my weight goals.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I've been using Apetit Block for two weeks now, and I've clearly noticed the difference. No more afternoon hunger pangs! The capsules are easy to swallow, and I feel more in control of my diet. I'm going to continue using it.
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
Very good product! I tried it after reading positive reviews, and I was not disappointed.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
The natural composition of Apetit Block convinced me. I trust in the power of nature and am happy to have found a product that works without artificial additives.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Excellent supplement for those seeking to lose weight without feeling constantly hungry.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Very satisfied .it really works this product
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
If taken daily, results are visible. It's a good complement to help lose weight, especially in combination with a balanced diet.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
Hi I've only been taking them for 5 days and I feel fine RECOMMEND
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
Since I've been taking Apetit Block, I've really felt a reduction in my snacking cravings. The capsules are easy to take, and I feel lighter every day. I recommend this product to anyone who wants to better control their appetite.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I have tried Apetit Block in combination with sport and am delighted with the results. The capsules help me to achieve my goals and keep fit
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
Apetit Block is a great addition to a balanced diet. I crave fewer sweets and feel healthier overall
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
I'm very satisfied with Apetit Block! After just a few weeks, I've noticed a real difference in my figure.
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
Apetit Block has been a real ally in my quest to lose weight.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
I was skeptical, but this product really helps to reduce my sweet cravings. I've already lost a few pounds since I started using it. It comes in a handy size so I can take it with me wherever I go.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I have tried many products, but Apetit Block is the first one that really works. The combination of Sinetrol and caffeine is perfect for me. I feel fitter and more energized
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Hi, I gave 4 stars because I've only 3 days since I've been trying it.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Well received the package, well packed, I come just to start using it.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Very effective for appetite control. After a few days' use, I noticed a real difference in my snacking cravings. It's easy to use and tastes great too. I recommend it!
Apetit Block Sinetrol 30 capsules + 2 bottles x 15 ml package, Empire Expert Pharma
Excellent product for weight loss! I've started using it as part of a diet and have already lost a few kilos.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
Apetit Block is a good product, but I haven't noticed any dramatic changes. I think it supports a healthy diet, but it's not a miracle cure
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
I have used Apetit Block in combination with sport and a balanced diet. The results are impressive! I have lost several kilos in a short space of time and feel fitter than ever.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
The combination of orange and grapefruit tastes pleasant and the effect is noticeable. I can only recommend the product.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I have been taking Apetit Block regularly for a few months now and notice a clear difference. My clothes fit more loosely and I feel more comfortable in my body overall
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
As a working mother, I don't have much time to cook. Apetit Block helps me to keep my diet under control. I feel full of energy and can concentrate better.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
I have always had problems with food cravings. Since I've been taking Apetit Block, these have become much less frequent. I feel more balanced overall and have already seen my first successes on the scales.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
As someone who has tried many diets, I am surprised by Apetit Block. It helps me to achieve my goals.
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
As a person with a fast metabolism, I had difficulty gaining weight. Apetit Block has helped me to regulate my appetite and gain healthy kilograms
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I am delighted with Apetit Block! Since I've been taking the capsules regularly, I feel much less hungry and notice how my metabolism is stimulated. I'm finally losing weight!
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I took Apetit Block during a stressful period and found that it helped me to avoid cravings. I feel more balanced and have more energy
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Apetit Block has helped me to reduce my portion size. I eat more consciously and feel fuller. A real breakthrough for me!
Apetit Block, 30 capsules, Empire Expert Pharma
I have recommended Apetit Block and my friends are also delighted with the results. It is a really effective product
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Hi I'm at the beginning and all ok for now. 🙏
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Very professional and most importantly quite fast
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Super😍I recommend it to people who really need it.I solved it.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
It works davero it takes a can of patience
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Since 2 weeks I have been using them,I am very happy.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
As a truly efficient.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
It does its job I am using it and you can feel the difference, I recommend to everyone.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Excellent I would say!
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
I recommend the purchase.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
All okay with me.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Highly recommended. Good price.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
It does its job I am using it and you can feel the difference, I recommend to everyone.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
It really works for me.
Apetit Block Sinetrol, 2 x 15ml, Empire Expert Pharma
Order arrived after 4 days at eazibox