Choose your bank card, choose your reward. Each card allows players to earn rewards on each turn, such as fast moving around the game board or earning bonuses on each purchase. Use the rewards pack for even more bonuses. But beware of scams that allow other players to steal rewards and features.
- All-in-one tap and spin banking technology makes the game fast and fun with cashless play
- Players can instantly buy properties, pay rent and climb the road to riches
- The terminal is powered by 3 AAA batteries ( not included in the package)
- Product size: 40 x 27 x 4 cm
- The game is intended for 2 to 4 players
- The game is suitable for children from 8 years old
Try other products of the Hasbro brand, which are in the categories Board games and puzzles, Mother and child and Toys for children. The product is now 0% off. If you are not sure about the choice of this product, get inspired in the Board games and puzzles category.
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